City of Walnut Creek
(925) 295-1490


Course Fee
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About this Course

Prepare your sumi-e and/or calligraphy for framing by adding a seal and mounting them. This workshop covers how to carve a seal script on stone, how to mount your work with special backing paper (called mino-paper), and how to make traditional glue. This process has been used for mounting masters' pieces for hundreds of years and is still used in museums for restoration today. Please bring a bag lunch. A $50 materials fee is due on the day of the workshop. Students who bring all required supplies do not need to pay the supply fee. Those who need any supplies must pay the full supply fee. In either case, please contact the instructor for supply arrangements at least 3 days prior to the workshop.

Course ID


Instructor Photo

Fumiyo Yoshikawa


Age Restriction